Celebrating the Life of Ron Rubin

Thursday, Jun 10, 2021

Celebrating the Life of Ron Rubin
Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 7 pm ET
This online tribute event was held via Zoom.

Please consider making a gift to the Ron Rubin Memorial Fund at NMAJH

Make a Gift in Ron’s Memory


About the event

On June 10, 2021, the public was invited to celebrate Ron Rubin, a remarkable lifelong Philadelphian who loved his city, the Jewish community, this Museum, and was beloved in return. Ron would have turned 90 this May.

Ron was a longtime Trustee of, and critical force behind the creation of the new National Museum of American Jewish History which opened in 2010 on Historic Independence Mall in Philadelphia, PA.

In this tribute, distinguished Philadelphians, longtime friends, business partners, and family, speak to Ron’s remarkable contributions to the city he helped to transform, and the importance of relationships.

All are welcome to upload a short tribute video, photographs, and kind words for the family. Please drag and drop your file(s) into the box below, or click “select files from your computer” to upload them.

Upload your tribute here:

Tribute Committee

Steve Cozen
Lyn Ross
Lindy Snider
Joe Zuritsky
David Adelman
Dean Adler
Leonard Klehr

Lynne and Leonard Barrack
John Binswanger
Eddie Bruce
Fran Cassidy
David Cohen
Suzanne and Norman Cohn
Sandy Cozen
Pat Croce
Bill Cunningham
Walter D’Alessio
Andrea and Paul de Botton
Roberta and Carl Dranoff
Anne Ewers
Gwen Goodman
Rosemarie Greco
Richard J Green
William Hankowsky
Michael Heller
Dolores and Richard Hicks
Alan Hoffman
Drew Katz
Caroline and Sidney Kimmel
Susan Kline Klehr
Susanna Lachs Adler
Tom Leonard
Carrie Rickey and Paul Levy
Hilarie and Mitchell Morgan
Jeanette Lerman-Neubauer and Joseph Neubauer
Denis O’Brien
Governor Edward G. Rendell
Mimi and Allan Schneirov
William Schwartz
Fred Stein
Judee von Seldeneck
The Honorable Constance Williams
Roy Zuckerberg
And the family of Ron Rubin
(list in formation)

Photo by Kelly & Massa

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