POSTPONED TO APRIL 21 – The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America – Virtual Book Talk with Richard Rothstein and Lila Corwin Berman
Wednesday, Jan 27, 2021
New Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 6 pm ET
Free with suggested $10 donation.
See “Ways to Watch” below for details on how to access the program
Listen in as Richard Rothstein and Lila Corwin Berman discuss contemporary racial segregation across the United States. The panelists will dig into the history of public housing projects, suburbanization, and the actions of the federal housing administration and then interrogate the racial segregation and income gap in America today as a byproduct of explicit government policies at the local, state and federal levels. Touching on the negative effects of these policies on African Americans and the United States as a whole, Rothstein and Berman will address how Jewish Americans specifically benefited from and suffered as a result of these policies.
About the speakers:
Richard Rothstein is a national best selling author, a Distinguished Fellow of the Economic Policy Institute and a Senior Fellow (emeritus) at the Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Fund.
Lila Corwin Berman is the Director of the Feinstein Center for American Jewish History and the Murray Friedman Chair of American Jewish History at Temple University. Berman is also the author of the recently released The American Jewish Philanthropic Complex: The Historical Formation of a Multi-Billion Dollar Institution.
Ways to Watch
Facebook: Look for the LIVE post on the Museum’s Facebook page at 6 pm ET. You do not need a Facebook account to view the program.
NMAJH website: A little before the program start time, the livestream will also be available at the top of this page. You will be prompted to enter your email address. Please note that you may need to refresh your screen and press “play” on the video—the static image will be replaced with the live feed before the program starts. Please note that audience Q&A is only available on Facebook and Zoom during the live program.
Zoom: Registration is required to receive the link—click here. There are a limited number of Zoom slots—access is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Zoom will cut off registration when the limit has been reached. Should that occur, please use one of the other methods listed above instead—they are all free and have unlimited capacity.
This Program is presented by The National Museum of American Jewish History in partnership with The Feinstein Center for American Jewish History at Temple University, Jewish Museum Milwaukee and Temple BZBI.