Unique Promise Imperfect Freedom

Unique Promise Imperfect Freedom
9th – 12th grades

The Unique Promise, Imperfect Freedom program focuses on the give and take between immigrant populations and the lives they create for themselves in America. We use the Jewish American story as an entry point into questions about religious freedom, advocacy, and discrimination.

A Holocaust survivor testimony is available upon request. 



Looking for more options:
Becoming American: Jewish Immigration in the Early 2oth Century | Grade 3-7

Courageous Choices | Grades 6-12


Open Presidents' Day!

Schools are closed, but the Museum is open! Join us to explore, create, and celebrate inclusion through family-focused activities.

This year, we’re spotlighting Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) alongside exciting programs, workshops, crafts, a resource fair, scavenger hunts, and more.

Museum & Store open 10 am – 5 pm.

Schedule of Activities
The Weitzman