August at The Weitzman!

Summer is a breeze at The Weitzman, and admission is FREE.


When it’s hot outside, stay cool inside!

From child-height displays and the sleep-away camp gallery to a family holiday table and a covered wagon, The Weitzman is for everyone and designed with families in mind! You can even become a part of the Museum by piling the whole family into (or making your solo debut in) the It’s Your Story recording booth to share your own stories. All ages can engage in #OurSharedHeritage.


The Weitzman is a nurturing environment for social interaction, collaboration, and sharing among family members. Walk-ins, strollers, and wheelchairs are welcome.

The Museum is conveniently located in the heart of Philadelphia’s Old City, on Independence Mall at the corner of 5th and Market Streets, across from the Liberty Bell. Admission is FREE. Make your reservation today.


Open Presidents' Day!

Schools are closed, but the Museum is open! Join us to explore, create, and celebrate inclusion through family-focused activities.

This year, we’re spotlighting Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) alongside exciting programs, workshops, crafts, a resource fair, scavenger hunts, and more.

Museum & Store open 10 am – 5 pm.

Schedule of Activities
The Weitzman