Virtual Booktalk: Whiteness and the Broadway Musical
Wednesday, Nov 11, 2020
Past program. Click here to view the recording.
7:00 pm ET
FREE with $5 suggested donation
Registration required for those watching on zoom.
Registration not required if viewing on FB.
Presented by Temple University’s Feinstein Center for American Jewish History, the National Museum of American Jewish History, and community sponsorship from the Free Library of Philadelphia
What does Broadway, a seemingly “innocent” and “frivolous” all-American art form have to say about race and white supremacy? Join Warren Hoffman, author of The Great White Way: Race and the Broadway Musical, in conversation with Elizabeth Wollman, Baruch College, as they discuss the ways in which Broadway musicals from Oklahoma! And West Side Story to Hamilton and The Book of Mormon shape and have been shaped by the racial ideologies that make the U.S. the nation it is today.
To purchase The Great White Way at a 30% discount (with free shipping), enter promo code 02AAAA17 on the publisher’s website.