Sefarad: The Untold Story that Changed the World – Part 3
Sunday, Sep 19, 2021
Sunday, September 19 at 1 pm ET
Free with suggested $10 donation
Watch on Zoom – Register Here
Part 3- In the Footsteps of the Crypto Jews: A story of Agony, Survival and Redemption
Join Dr. Isaac Amon, JHA’s Director of Research & Project Development on September 19th for Part 3, the “In the Footsteps of the Crypto Jews: A story of Agony, Survival and Redemption”. In this third and final webinar of the series, we will walk in the long shadows of Sefardic Crypto-Jews who lived their lives deprived of access to normative Judaism and under constant threat of severe, life-threatening punishment by the Iberian Inquisition. Despite incredible obstacles, many Crypto-Jews strove to remain faithful, over the centuries, to their ancestral faith and traditions. This remarkable story of resilience, survival, and redemption recreated Jewish communities across Europe and the New World, and continues in our time, contributing to the indelible legacy of Sefarad.
About the three part Series:
Jewish history and communal life on the Iberian Peninsula originated in the time of the Roman Empire. Under Muslim rule, prosperous, flourishing, and well-integrated Jewish communities achieved financial, social, and intellectual success and during the Golden Age, Spain became the center of the Jewish world in Europe. However, due to political and social developments in the Late Middle Ages, life markedly changed as persecution, discrimination, and forced conversions ensued, culminating with the royal decree to expel Spanish Jewry in 1492. This infamous edict, which followed a long trend in European history, led to the Sephardic Diaspora as Iberian Jewry sought new places of refuge, creating new worlds for themselves and their descendants. Yet, more than five centuries later, the ancestral call of Sefarad remains.
Watch Sefarad: The Untold Story that Changed the World Parts 1 and 2
Part 1 of this series was held on August 1 and can be rewatched anytime here.
Part 2 of this series was held on August 19 and can be rewatched anytime here.
This program is being presented by the Jewish Heritage Alliance in partnership with The National Museum of American Jewish History, ANU Museum of the Jewish People, Museum of Jewish Heritage, The American Sephardi Federation’s Institute of Jewish Experience, JewishGen, Fundación HispanoJudía, EJCC European Jewish Community Center, University of Miami (Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies and the George Feldenkreis Program in Judaic Studies), and the Dahan Center at Bar Ilan University.