RadioCJM Presents Elie Massias
Friday, Jul 10, 2020
Friday, July 10, 2020 at 12 PM Pacific/3 PM Eastern
Past program.
We’re excited to co-present this edition of RadioCJM — a daytime music program brought to you by our friends at The Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco.
This installment features performances by Elie Massias (pictured) that evokes the vistas and musical influences of Massias’s birthplace of Gibraltar, his Sephardic ancestry, jazz, flamenco guitar, and more. As Stuart Boomer of Cadence Magazine writes, “Massias has a command of the guitar that extends from the fingerboard to the amplifier, from the lightest acoustic play to R&B.” Join us for a unique form of musical expression drawn from a lifetime of varied experience and musical genres.
Click here to register on zoom: https://thecjm.me/2XRVxoc