American Antisemitism: Historical and Contemporary Lessons
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday, February 18 at 7 PM ET / 4 PM PT
$22 NEI 2024-2025 Speaker Series (includes all remaining sessions)
$15 Single Lecture
It may seem in recent years as if America’s Jews are confronting for the first time hatred and antisemitism. In fact, since the very first Jews landed in New Amsterdam in 1654, anti-Jewish animosity has been a powerful thread coursing through the American Jewish experience.
Professor Pamela Nadell holds the Patrick Clendenen Chair in Women’s and Gender History at American University. Her book America’s Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today won the 2019 National Jewish Book Award’s “Jewish Book of the Year.” A National Endowment for the Humanities Public Scholars Award supports her current book project, Antisemitism, an American Tradition. Past president of the Association for Jewish Studies, she was a member of the founding historians team of the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History. She was the fourth witness in the Congressional hearing with the presidents Harvard, UPenn, and MIT.