J. Proud LGBTQ Community Passover Seder
Sunday, Apr 9, 2023
Sunday, April 9th
4:00pm ET – 6:00pm ET
Live at the Germantown Jewish Center
Free – Registration Required
The Weitzman is thrilled to be partnering with J.Proud and Germantown Jewish Centre for their annual LGBTQ Passover seder – in person, this year!
This Passover Seder will be held at Germantown Jewish Center, under an outdoor tent.
Join J. Proud and other queer members of the Philadelphia Jewish community to enjoy a seder, the traditional Passover meal and service, while exploring themes like queerness, trans identities, activism, liberation, and freedom. Participants will have a chance to reflect on the history of Jewish and queer struggles for acceptance, as well as meditate on a future where our intersecting identities are celebrated.
This event is a potluck – all ritual/seder plate items, and plates/utensils/etc will be provided.
Attendees are asked to bring a potluck dish. Dishes MAY contain kitniyot (beans, rice, seeds, etc). Dishes may NOT contain wheat, spelt, barley, rye, or oats. All attendees are also asked to bring an index card with ingredients listed.
Live at Germantown Jewish Centre
400 West Ellet Street
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Questions or Comments?
For General Questions, please reach out to J.Proud by clicking the contact button at the bottom of the ticketing page or check out the Facebook event for more information.
This program is presented by J. Proud in partnership with the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History.