Good Morning Zoom

Thursday, Aug 6, 2020

Thursday, August 6 at 2pm ET

Past program. Recording available HERE. Program begins at 20 min 20 seconds.

Meet the author of the runaway hit children’s book, Good Morning Zoom! Learn firsthand how the book came about and enjoy hearing the book read aloud by author Lindsay Rechler herself.

About the Author:

Lindsay Rechler is a mother to two young children, Jack and Kenzie. She lives in Manhattan and is a Managing Director at a global investment bank. Like all parents, within the last few months, she and her husband Zack have also become chefs, bakers, coaches, teachers, musical directors, sanitizers, authors and artists.

Good Morning Zoom was written for today’s children and for future generations to record the impact the pandemic had on our lives and how we weathered the storm together.

About the book:

Good Morning Zoom is a story based on the classic children’s poetry of Goodnight Moon. This modern twist expresses the emotions young children might be feeling during the global pandemic. Their reality has become isolating with their parents, many of whom are still working from home, and seeing friends and loved ones only through the barrier of a screen. This lyrical portrayal of life during the Coronavirus gives voice and hope to our youngest who are replacing school and hugs with technology.

Ways to Watch: Facebook Live or

Look for the LIVE post on the Museum’s Facebook page just before 2pm EST. You do not need a Facebook account to view the program.

Beginning at 2pm EST, this program will also be available at via a pop-up message on the homepage. Please note that audience Q&A is only available on Facebook during the live program.

RSVP via Facebook is encouraged. This event is free, registration not required.
Donations welcome.

Buy the Book
Good Morning Zoom is available in the Museum Store here.