Mark Your Calendars | Professional Development & Opportunities for Educators

2024-2025 School Year

We are thrilled to offer a series of professional development opportunities for teachers this academic school year. These programs will explore the diverse heritage and contributions of the American Jewish community, while providing valuable insights and strategies for the classroom. See below for more details on this year’s offerings, all crafted to enhance your professional development and classroom engagement.


Tuesday, September 17 | NEI SERIES Redefining Antisemitism in the United States: A Historical Approach with Britt Tevis, J.D./Ph.D.
This lecture redefines antisemitism by exploring its historical manifestations in America, challenging oversimplified views and narrow focuses on conspiracy theories and discussions on Israel.


October 8 &  9 | The Weitzman + ICS: A Two-Part Series Exploring the History of Antisemitism in Europe and the United States
On October 8th ICS will present The History of European Antisemitism, followed by The Weitzman Museum’s presentation of The History of Antisemitism in the United States on October 9th. These events will offer valuable historical insights and foster important discussions. Attend both sessions and be entered in a drawing to win a gift from the Weitzman’s gift shop!

Friday, October 25 | Professional Development with the School District of Philadelphia
Live at the Weitzman
The Weitzman will host district social studies teachers to engage with stories about the American Jewish experience through a tour of our collection and a presentation with our museum educators.

Tuesday, October 29 | NEI SERIES American Jewry’s Response to Israel’s War of Independence with Jenna Weissman Joselit
This lecture examines how American Jews responded emotionally to Israel’s War of Independence, using sound, image, and text to explore modern Jewish history.


Tuesdays, November 12 & November 26 | Tune-Up Tuesdays with the School District of Philadelphia 
The Weitzman’s Director of Education, Rebecca Krasner, will be presenting Stories that Shaped a Nation: Jewish Lives in America as part of the district’s ongoing professional development program offerings.

Tuesday, November 19 | Why do We Unite? History of Jews and the Labor Movement (Registration to come)
Live at The Weitzman
In partnership with the Philadelphia Writing Project


Tuesday, December 3 & Wednesday, December 4 | The Weitzman + ICS: Stories that Shaped a Nation
ICS will present Jewish Immigration to the United States, offering an in-depth look at the waves of Jewish migration. The Weitzman Museum will offer a unique presentation exploring the life and legacy of Emma Lazarus. Both events promise rich historical insights and engaging discussions. More details to come!

Tuesday, December 10 | NEI SERIES American Jewish Educators and the Soviet Jewry Movement with Shaul Kelner
This lecture delves into how American Jewish educators in the 1970s and 80s taught young Gen-Xers that activism to free Soviet Jewry was a core Jewish value.


Wednesday, January 3 | Professional Development with the School District of Philadelphia
Live at the Weitzman

Tuesday, January 14 | NEI SERIES American Jews and Free Speech with James Loeffler
In this lecture, historian James Loeffler will discuss how American Jews have historically grappled with free speech and hate speech in modern American life.


Tuesday, February 11 | Antisemitism Then and Now – a history of antisemitism in America(Registration to come)
Live at The Weitzman
In partnership with the Philadelphia Writing Project

Tuesday, February 18 |
NEI SERIES American Antisemitism: Historical and Contemporary Lessons with Pamela Nadell

Tuesday, February 25 |The Weitzman + ICS: Developing Religious Literacy and Liberty in the Classroom


Tuesdays, March 11 & March 25 | Tune-Up Tuesdays with the School District of Philadelphia 
Livestream | Presenter for the district’s ongoing professional development program offerings.


Tuesday, April 1 | Ready, Set, JAHM!
The Weitzman Museum will kick off with an engaging talk on the significance of Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) and its importance. ICS will present a comprehensive lesson on the contributions and history of Jewish Americans. This professional learning opportunity offers valuable takeaways for teachers to implement during JAHM in May.

Tuesday, April 1 | NEI SERIES Making a Place with Michael Twitty

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